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Kilt Brussel Sprouts


The ultimate potluck side dish!

Kilt Brussel Sprouts & Bacon

We were getting ready for Homecoming at our church this past Sunday, and one of my dishes was what we call “Kilt Brussel Sprouts.” It’s so simple to make, and delicious! Maybe a little healthy, depending on what health resource you trust.

My husband is the one who named it, because he said that it was like “Kilt Cabbage” where you pour bacon grease over cabbage… Simple and yummy. I’ve added to mine over time, so I’ve made it (hopefully) even more delicious.

It's simple, easy and quick to make, almost widely-accepted. When you go to potlucks there's always a variety of people, so someone is going to love this!

As I was cooking, it was so pretty that I thought “why not share it?!” So that’s what I’m gonna do. I know no one really likes reading about the blogger’s life story, so I’ll just get down to it.

Here it is!

Kilt Brussel Sprouts

Creator: Audrey Wood

Side Dish

Ready in About 40 minutes

Serves About 12 people


  • Brussel Sprouts (our market carries them in .5-1lb packs, but they are large. I typically quarter them)

  • 1 pack Mushrooms

  • 1 Vidalia Onion (or another onion you like)

  • 1 pack of bacon

  • Olive oil

  • Salt, pepper, other seasonings

  • Deep 9 x 13 baking dish


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

  2. Heat a pan on medium heat.

  3. Quarter all of the brussel sprouts. Toss them in a bowl with some olive oil, salt & pepper (plus other seasonings if you wish) until they’re coated pretty well.

  4. Sear them in the pan until they’re slightly browned and a little soft.

  5. Meanwhile, cut the bacon into small pieces and cook them on medium heat. When they’re slightly crispy and still a little limber, they’re done.

  6. Wash the mushrooms and slice them (or dice them, however you want to eat them), cook them on medium heat until they’re soft and smelling delicious.

  7. Slice the Vidalia (or whatever onion you choose) and cook the pieces on Medium heat until they’re soft.

  8. Once the brussel sprouts are ready, put a third of them into the pan and spread them out.

  9. Next, spread the mushrooms out on top of the brussels.

  10. Then, layer another one-third of the brussel sprouts.

  11. Next, add a layer of onions.

  12. Then, another layer of brussels.

  13. Finally, top it all off with the crispy (if a little limber) bacon, grease and all!

  14. Now bake it for 20-25 minutes at 400; this ensures crispiness in the bacon and softness in the brussels.

You’re done!

Try topping it with bleu or feta cheese; maybe some extra seasonings.

Be as creative as you want!


  • I don't recommend using all of the bacon grease if you don't have a way to heat it up right before you eat because the grease becomes a solid and that's just not yummy-looking. You can drain the grease and just use the bacon. It's still delicious!

  • Feel free to leave ingredients out, substitute, add, whatever you want to do!



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